Three-day advanced JESCOL for Bangalore zone

On : 2021-09-23

A three-day training programme of ‘Advanced JESCOL’ was conducted between September 14-16, for 34 of our collaborators, who are in the administrative positions in our educational institutions, in and around Bangalore. This was the second group from the Bangalore zone.

The first day was dedicated to ‘A journey into interiority’ and ‘Ignatian world view’. The focus of the second day was on ‘Ignatian leadership’ and ‘Ignatian decision making process’ and the third day on ‘Jesuit education apostolate in the context of Indian socio-political-cultural situation today’.

The resource persons were Frs. Joseph D’Mello, Jerald D’Souza, Joseph Xavier and Joseph Lobo. The sessions consisted of inputs, sharing, group discussion and a few practicums. The sessions were lively with participants taking part with interest. Certificates of participation were awarded to all the participants.